Friday, May 18, 2007

A special tribute Walter Cronkite tonight on CBS. He is 90. He cried at one point on the show, which was clips of his life "on the air" and comments from his colleagues across all networks and walks of life and his personal comments about his life.

He apologized for the tears and then I realized, if he could weep, so could I. It was in the segment on JFK's assassination. That wound is still there for America, for him, for me and so many others.

Such a contrast to the "spin doctors" of today. He negotiated Egypt and Israel sitting at the same table from the "evening news." How much better can it get than that?" Well, having the first Beatles interview prior to Ed Sullivan - I am sure comes in there some where.

And sad, how far away have we strayed in terms of today's "take" on the news? We trusted him and today we "filter."

To watch the program was to watch my life...from my tender college years through put so much in perspective.

I am going to try and get the video/dvd for me, my daughters, and all my friends...we all need to watch, feel, and learn.

...and that is the way it is, May 18th 2007.

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